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St. Jude's Anglican Church - Blue Ridge Anglican Mission - 120 Chadwick Avenue, Ste. 2, Hendersonville, NC 28792 828-513-4201

Weekly Holy Communion Service at 11:15 a.m.  Call us if you need prayer, counseling and/or the sacraments.  We will bring the sacraments of Holy Communion, Confession and Unction (anointing for healing) to you if you are shut in.

Our Jurisdiction - The Orthodox Anglican Church - North America (Official web site)

The Orthodox Anglican Church - North America (Wiki)

The Orthodox Anglican Communion (Official web site)

The Orthodox Anglican Communion (Wiki)

St. Andrew's Theological College and Seminary

Apostolic Succession of the Orthodox Anglican Church   (See the FAQs page about "apostolic succession")

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We are a traditional Anglican mission church of the Orthodox Anglican Church - North America, proclaiming Christ in Word and Sacrament.  We are part of the Continuing Anglican Movement, a body of orthodox Anglicans that have been carrying forward authentic Anglican faith and practice since the 1960s. Our worship is drawn from the 1928 American Book of Common Prayer, and focuses on praying the Daily Offices, biblical preaching and the grace of the sacraments, especially the sacrament of Holy Communion (also known as the "Eucharist" and "Mass".)

(The following is used and tailored for our purposes with permission from the Reverend Father David J. Kapley of St. Luke's Anglican Church (OAC), Bowling Green, KY)

Jesus Christ worked with wood. Yes, he was a carpenter. There is a story in the ancient Christian Church that after even 100 A.D. plows that Jesus had made were still being used in the Holy Land. Jesus worked well as a carpenter. But the greatest work He did with wood was when He ascended the cross at Calvary to die for my sins and for your sins. Jesus Christ is the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world. Through the blood of Jesus Christ you can become holy--- acceptable to God. Through the blood of the Lamb of God you can be washed clean. Such is the great promise of God that is open to every Christian believer.

We hope that you will consider visiting us. Here you will find a loving and friendly church family. Here you can experience an enthusiastic and genuine worship of God. We strive to follow ancient and authentic Christianity--the Christianity that existed before there were divisions in Christendom.

We all have been hurt by others. Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, can provide healing. We all have hurt others. Jesus Christ, the Great Physician, can provide healing.

St. Jude's Anglican Church - Blue Ridge Anglican Mission is where believers can receive spiritual healing and worship God. God wants us to have fellowship with other believers and communal worship of Him. And you will not find a more beautiful and more meaningful form of worship than that provided by Anglican Christianity.

St. Jude's is Christianity in the Anglican tradition. Anglicanism grew in the British Isles before there even was a nation of England, and came to the United States of America in the early colonies, and essential in the founding of The United States of America. Anglican services are beautiful, moving, and meaningful. Anglicans have made mighty contributions in Christian history. Anglicans gave the world the King James Bible.

John Newton was an unbeliever and a slave trader, and came to know Christ. Newton became an Anglican minister. In the 1800s he helped to end the slave trade in England. Newton composed one of the most famous Christian hymns of all time, "Amazing Grace." In that hymn Newton wrote: "The Lord has promised good to me, his Word my hope secures...."

Please consider this note as my personal and warm welcome to you to attend our service:

If you are young or old, you are welcome.

If you have family or friends, or if you are alone, you are welcome.

If you are rich or poor, as regarded by this world, you are welcome.

If you are rich or poor, as regarded by God, you are welcome.

If you are single, married, or divorced, you are welcome.

If you are healthy or sick, you are welcome.

If you believe in God, or do not know what to believe, you are welcome.

If you seek peace in a troubled world, or if you have given up, you are welcome.

In other words--- you are welcome at St. Jude's.

Please come visit us and see what ancient Christian liturgical worship as carried forth by the Anglican tradition looks and sounds like. We warmly welcome you.

Fr. Christopher C. Little, Rector, St. Jude's Anglican Church, 120 Chadwick Ave., Suite 2, Hendersonville, NC 28792  828-513-4201